There isn't a lot out there about fall decandling other than (Jonas Dupuich's blog) so I figured I would post something on here.
I decandled this black pine about two weeks ago. Houston has a long growing season so I fully expect the candles to extend by the time winter comes. Next summer, I will decandle back on schedule.
Since the tree was not candle pruned this year, and it was severely imbalanced, I pulled needles to balance the tree. Prior to and after the decandling, I fertilize heavily. The buds are starting to emerge rather evenly throughout the tree with the exeception of a couple of branches that have yet to start budding.
I also did a lot of branch work including some heavy bending and wiring. Let's see how much these can tolerate with attentive care...
(I didn't rotate the pictures of the buds but you get the idea)
I decandled this black pine about two weeks ago. Houston has a long growing season so I fully expect the candles to extend by the time winter comes. Next summer, I will decandle back on schedule.
Since the tree was not candle pruned this year, and it was severely imbalanced, I pulled needles to balance the tree. Prior to and after the decandling, I fertilize heavily. The buds are starting to emerge rather evenly throughout the tree with the exeception of a couple of branches that have yet to start budding.
I also did a lot of branch work including some heavy bending and wiring. Let's see how much these can tolerate with attentive care...
(I didn't rotate the pictures of the buds but you get the idea)