Large Urban/Garden Juniper Collection Advice


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SF Bay Area, CA
Hi All,

I'm considering digging two or three quite large junipers. Two are hollywood juniper, probably 6-8 inches in trunks and 5-6 feet tall, probably 5 feet apart from one another. Another is a collected California juniper, that was collected in the desert and then planted in a garden probably 20 years ago, it's also around 6-8 inches in diameter and 6 feet tall.

I've never dug a juniper in a garden (or from nature for that matter) and wondered if there's anything I should look out for. None have been regularly watered. I know there's decent information regarding collecting from the wild, however I'm figuring this may be a bit different since they won't be in pockets or sand or anything like that. Any typical things to watch for in urban junipers? Unfortunately this will be a one day dig (per tree)...I can't spade around the tree and go back next spring.

(1) Do not reduce the foliage too much. Foliage is the key to success.
(2) Obviously, get as much roots as possible.
(3) Keep the foliage hydrated and protected - via greenhouse, humidity tent, whatever. Think of it like a big cutting that you have to protect. The roots will catch up eventually.

Lots of foliage - but keep it protected and don't let it dry out!
Thanks, should I be reducing some of the top of the tree and foliage that will not be used due to the reduction of root mass, or should I try and keep all the foliage? I'm reading conflicting info. Some say keep all, some say reduce a bit in proportion to root loss.
Thanks all. I'm still unsure if I want to dig the CA juniper, it's huge and looks like it has potential, and is priced very well...I'm just worried I'll dig it and it'll die in 6 months.
I would definitely try myself mostly because I am currently looking for something like that.
Ok, so if I do dig it, I'll probably spend the better part of a day getting as many roots as possible, save ALL the foliage (I'll have to rent a pickup to transport it anyways), put it in a custom sized wood grow out container with 100% pumice and place in partial shade with 2x/day automatic misting....

With it still having the possibility of going belly up, what do you think this thing is worth paying for?
Ok, so if I do dig it, I'll probably spend the better part of a day getting as many roots as possible, save ALL the foliage (I'll have to rent a pickup to transport it anyways), put it in a custom sized wood grow out container with 100% pumice and place in partial shade with 2x/day automatic misting....

With it still having the possibility of going belly up, what do you think this thing is worth paying for?
Honestly, I wouldn't pay much. You're doing all the digging and there's no guarantee of success. A large trunked juniper established in a pot for several years would be worth many hundreds of dollars, but as they are, I'm not sure you should pay more then a token fee for collecting them.
Personally I would prefer to cut the roots with a sharp spade to stimulate feeder roots close to trunk but I know that's probably not possible under circumstances. Let it be for two years and then collect
Ended up passing on it. Would take lots of carving and time and probably wouldn't be what I wanted in the end. I'll most likely end up paying premium for a nice trunk from a collector, however after 5-10 years of development, at least I'll have what I wanted in the beginning.
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