large red mites?


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Oakland, CA
This year I've seen tons of these large red mites on my trees, and I just wanted to come here and seek out some piece of mind. From what I could research on here, I'm hoping that they are beneficial predator mites but it seems like they could also be a clover mite? Anyone more experienced care to weigh in? I have neem at the ready, but I'm holding off until someone tells me to pull the trigger.

- Easily visible to the human eye
- Fast, frequently moving
- Red goop when crushed
- No associated webs
- Plant health does not appear to be affected
- Picture attached:


  • IMG_0610.jpg
    123.6 KB · Views: 46
I have them on everything, especially my cedar fence 🤷‍♂️. they seem like good guys to me, never hurt a tree to my knowledge
Some of the leaves look kind of misshapen, do they normally look like that?
Some of the leaves look kind of misshapen, do they normally look like that?
there are a few wonky ones on that styrax but 95% look fine. I've heard they can put out weird leaves when they dry out, and it was dug this year, so I think a few of the early leaves became misshapen while it was getting its roots reestablished.
there are a few wonky ones on that styrax but 95% look fine. I've heard they can put out weird leaves when they dry out, and it was dug this year, so I think a few of the early leaves became misshapen while it was getting its roots reestablished.
Just asking because I had a bougie develop wrinkly, deformed leaves and it was pest related.
Just asking because I had a bougie develop wrinkly, deformed leaves and it was pest related.
Ever figure out what it was? I have a few pesticides on deck I can throw at it.
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