Kilnin' Myshelf

Beautiful idea with the internal flue. I would have just cut a hole in the side. How did it fire?
Beautiful idea with the internal flue. I would have just cut a hole in the side. How did it fire?

Bloody well.
I wish I could take credit for the design.

I have to check with Boris about when his solid shelf heats up enough to assist draft.
This one was red hot around 2k, or earlier, and I didn't take into account it aiding more draft at that point, so I may have used more gas than I needed, instead of waiting for the indudlced draft.

I have 4 pages of written down temps, I recorded it every minute or so!

It does the prescribed natural stall at 2k.

I melted 6 and 7 cones throughout, so it seemed even...or even able.
Reduction should help even it out.

I fired this in oxidation, and believe most of it was oxidized, though my familiar clay came out a little darker, it sounds good, and broken pieces prove no carbon coring.

So I'm damn satisfied.

Firing another cone 6 Sunday, weather permitting.

I highly recommend this design!

My current favorite Sorce pot, until I empty the well house over the weekend and bring out the wide lip rectangle. The azalea in it is a small overpriced cutting of a snow white, double flowered American hybrid Satsuki type, 'Kerrigan's Bridal Bouquet'. The azalea was the only disappointment in a 8 plant order, the rest were generous enough I'm not going to complain.

But I love the glaze, the white clay body, and the ornamentation to this little pot.


Are you still unable to ship to Canada? Nothing urgent, but I may finally have some trees ready for pots soon, and some of these look pretty deadly.
Guilty pleasure, I'm glad that pot ain't far @Leo in N E Illinois ! It brings me joy!

Are you still unable to ship to Canada? Nothing urgent, but I may finally have some trees ready for pots soon, and some of these look pretty deadly.

I will strap the snowshoes on.

I have been hesitant to ship out of country and such, so I don't violate any laws or tax BS I'm unaware of, but I think when this blows over, I'll have too much inventory not to figure it all square.


Are you using forced air or venturi burners?

Venturi. Reckon folks use power burners to compensate for lack of draw. It doesn't usually end up well.
Power burners on Natural Gas seems better or necessary.

I was coming to tell you ...
At 986F at 2:31 PM.
Out of nowhere, it stalls here for 3 minutes.
Calculations have wares just reaching an actual 1063F at the top around now. It seems to know it needs to slow down!

I'm at about 140/hr right now. Going a bit faster, trying to squeeze efficiency. Risking a large rectangle.

At about 1150F I'm going 540 or better to maturity.

Trying to more cleanly move passed 2k.

I'll be back around then.

No change to anything and since 986F it dropped to about 60/hr.

1038F now.


It was quite colder last time ...
But ai just sailed thru 2000 with way less gas pressure than last time.

Boogie. 2020F. Going for 2165F.
I can still see my cones this time, so this'n oughta be prrrrrrfict.

I would go slower than 540/hr past 1150. You are past quartz, but you have to consider shrinkage, especially with wide flat stuff. Up to 16” pots I’ll go 250°F/hr. 20” to 32” I go 175°F/hr. Over 32” I go 50-75°F/hr.
Forced air burners aren’t used because of lack of draw. It’s just a different firing system. Did you say you are using natural gas? I have found it to be cheaper to fire than electric!
That's a great big cock you got there.

Or is it a hen?

This drunk, really Polish sounding dude rode a bike by the other day like...

"Aha Ruuuhster!"


One had 2 soft eggs, I fed it some glaze material, whiting, calcium carbonate, and it's good. Just one little bite. Only the one who needed it ate it. I leave some out for them now just in case.


They followed the IR beam for a couple steps, then looked up at the gun like, "asshole, no", I think they can see the beam.

Had some crows come warn them of a hawk a couple days ago. Maybe they alerted me. I looked up and saw the hawk, it's like the crows were flying around warning everything.

Love these Chickens! They're smarter than dogs!

You should have a constant supply of crushed oyster shell, or limestone chips, along with poultry grit available to them at all times. They need constant source of calcium if you expect eggs on a regular basis. Come to the next "post covid" AAC meeting, Irene has a dozen chickens, and a peacock in her yard, you can swap notes with her. She gets enough eggs she keeps her family and some of us AAC'ers supplied.
limestone chips

They have been alright. The layer feed has calcium.

I believe it was because they were foraging our local limestone, and the magnesium content suppressed calcium uptake.

Only 2 ...maybe 3 soft eggs.
They been laying every 27 hours since about mid December.

The cherry stone granite is going into a glaze!

May I suggest simple, clean and efficient design. Perhaps keep the feet you come up with small and understated?




This is a blend of my clay and a commercial one.
Wow! I can't believe how different every clay is.
This might be the ONE!

As opposed to the one with the heavy grog I was telling @HorseloverFat about. 20200815_145852.jpg


The diamond was just to stop cracking.

What a difference a Clay makes!😂

How are you cutting your big drainage holes? looks great!
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