Kifu Bonsai experiences

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Albany, NY
What's the price range, what is the quality of the trees compared to the price and what are your experiences with them?
That’s like asking how expensive should a small car be. Size has relatively little to do with pricing. Compare a Ferrari to a Fierro. A great Shohin JBP could be $5k, and a crappy 48” tall one could be $150.
Take a look around here...Bob Mahler is pretty darn good.

Take a look around here...Bob Mahler is pretty darn good.

Oh, so it’s a nursery! I still think I’d pay $150 to beat up on a Fierro for a couple hours.😜
Oh, so it’s a nursery! I still think I’d pay $150 to beat up on a Fierro for a couple hours.😜
It's "Fiero" Adding another "r" doesn't change it from a 1980's piece of crap into an Italian sports car.😁 Even if you have the rare "four door" version. A piece of crap with four doors is still a piece of crap.
My dad's best friend as I was growing up drove a Fiero. He was awesome. Had a different girlfriend every few months, always wore smoked out glasses, played texas blues, and only had red and black colored furniture throughout his apartment. I think he may have been the corporate 80's personified.
Just saw this thread, thought I’d add that I’ve had good experiences here. Cheap bonsai pots priced cheaply. And a lot of imported material. He seems to specialize in ume, at least this spring he has hundreds of ume trunks for sale. Some of them show quality starts, others respectable at least. I bought a neagari style Chinese elm for $210 and feel like I definitely got my money’s worth.
Anyone know if he ships? Doesn’t look like there are any trees available on the site
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