Neagari Gal
Just guessing here, but one could have posted any picture of a tree with good moss on it. Even a picture stolen from the internet. But you chose to show a Boston IVY in a common ivy thread. I can't help but make a connection. It's called Boston ivy, therefore I have an ivy and I can kill two birds with one stone. It;s OK your secret is safe with me....
Just in case you didn't know it...Boston Ivy is on the list of acceptable Federal Govt. plants to be planted on Federal Highway bridges. Its the vine you see clinging to the bridge and covering the concrete with green keeping graffitti at bay. If you want a good fat one just put on a orange flourescent vest (Harbor Freight, Home Depot and Lowe's) and act like you belong there and dig one up. I've seen some that came off bridge plantings 6 inches across and amazing.
Really reading between the lines on this one Al...
Do you have any tighter moss? Cushion moss...I have that longer moss stuff around here too. But find the tighter moss in small patches placed on a pot gives more depth. Just a suggestion...yours still looks nice.
Example my mame Boston Ivy...the moss was frozen when I gathered color is off in this photo. But you can see the depth I tried to add by small patches of moss in a small pot. The moss has come out of its dormant frozen state in my greenhouse now. Love moss as well. ?
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Great way to pass time waiting out a snowstorm though...?
I only listed the species because we do that here...this thread was all about how I APPLIED MOSS to a tiny pot for DEPTH! Why in the world would I look online for such a photo of adding depth with moss when I had one in my album?