Juniperus Chinesis Sargentii var 'Virdis'

Juniperus chinensis sargentii 'Viridis'

Hey everyone, new here and to bonsai. My name is Pete. I just picked this up at Home Depot for $7 one of a few projects I have started this year. I pruned it a bit to let some light/air in and visualize a trunk line. My plan is to now leave it rather untouched in either ground or grow box and just fert and water for a number of years. I also took some cuttings. The trunk is 1.5" across at the base and about 25% is mature foliage. Let me know your thoughts to the material and where you guys would go with this. The color and foliage on this was the best I have seen at a "Home Store" thus far.
Wow, your coming right along for a new guy. Good job!
My current inspiration is the Taiwanese style field grown junipers , just not nearly as big .
Nice! So thinking something like an Amy Liang creation?


If this is the case, do you plan to add more Shari soon, or will that wait until the tree is moved into a box?

DSD sends
Yes very much what I'm going for. My thinking is to try to maintain strong growth, continue leaving it to it's own devices while strategic killing or tearing branches. Carve later when established live veins are apparent and in a box .
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