Juniper turning yellow


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Hello. I got this juniper about a month ago, and the leaves have begun to turn yellow. I leave it outside almost all the time (located in MN) and water it about every two to three days. The pot has drainage holes, if that's helpful information. It was bright green when I got it, so any advice on what I'm doing wrong? Thank you in advance!
Thank you both! I will continue to water it much more frequently – but is there hope for it to bounce back?
Thank you both! I will continue to water it much more frequently – but is there hope for it to bounce back?
The pale foliage at the ends won’t turn green again, likely it will continue to brown out. If you are lucky, you will see new growth emerge from the “crotches” of branches more in the interior. As the outer foliage dies, trim it off with scissors to allow light to the green growth inside.
Often, by the time junipers look this bad they are really dead but there's still some greenish needles behind the pale ends so there's still a chance it will be OK.
Check the soil for moisture each day. If the soil is still wet, no need to water that day but when the soil is starting to get close to dry you need to water. When you do water you need to put enough water on to really wet the soil. Enough to run out the bottom of the pot and then some. A quick splash is never enough.
Fingers crossed.
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