Juniper ID help please

Si, Thanks for the virt. It is too late for this though. :o It have 2 branches left, the rest is gone. One (main trunk) is already contorted also. :D It is but a fraction of what you see here now.

Preston, Thanks. That looks similar esp the last shot of the foliage. You got them at a good price!
Thanks but while that is an option, it may not work for what I have in mind (design goal) unless I opt to eliminate the rest or jin them. Also, I used a regular shimpaku (not kishu) which I honestly do not know yet how fast it will grow.

i'm willing to wager that your "regular" shimpaku is "kishu".
Hey Dario,
I think it is Parsoni also. These pics show mature parsons juniper foliage as well as juvinile. The branching also looks like parsons to me.
Just my guess,
TonaView attachment 36282View attachment 36283
Yeah, you may need to upload pics big enough to see with a magnifying glass. Those are LITTLE! I see something that look like fingers.
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