Japanese Maple Help: Mangled Irregular Leaves, some tips browning

I used to think it was just the summer heat but am now leaning towards fungal infection as a contributing factor, especially now that my trident has the persistent leaf problem we have been discussing in another thread. I am now treating treating all my deciduous trees with Infuse granular fungicide so we’ll see.
I seem to be having a similar problem w/my coral bark only much worse. Most of the leaves, starting w/the upper ones, went brown. I finally moved it out of the full afternoon sun it was getting, to full shade (and more frequent and thorough watering). It seemed to stabilize. I slid it out to get some morning sun, and the rest of the leaves went too. I soaked it in water and moved it inside near a north window, no direct sun. It looks dead.
Still watering at least daily. is there any hope it might come back?
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