Japanese Cherry Blossom Care


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Southern California
Alright bonsai Jedis,

I went to the 30th annual Bonsai-a-thon in San Marino at The Huntington Library this past weekend. It was great; a lot of amazing trees and talent. I ended up buying a very cool Japanese cherry blossom. I was too excited that I didn’t even ask for proper care instructions. All I knew was that the vendor was located up in Fresno CA and that the cherry blossom needed partial shade. Anyone have any experience with these bad boys? Please lmk. I’ve been reading different care instructions…

PS I live in Southern California, specifically in Los Angeles where it’s pretty much warm all year.

Much appreciated,
🌳 🌳


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I think it's good to first identify the type of cherry you have.
Generally speaking most prunus varieties behave somewhat the same; don't like rootwork, drink a lot but like dry soils, and they're deadly allergic to wiring. But the nuances per variety can be widely different. The flowes can help, as do any close ups of the foliage.

And second, why the bark is exfoliating. In my cherries that only happens in two instances: bacterial gummosis (= burn pile 2 miles away) or sun burn. Neither of which are a good sign!
Alright bonsai Jedis,

I went to the 30th annual Bonsai-a-thon in San Marino at The Huntington Library this past weekend. It was great; a lot of amazing trees and talent. I ended up buying a very cool Japanese cherry blossom. I was too excited that I didn’t even ask for proper care instructions. All I knew was that the vendor was located up in Fresno CA and that the cherry blossom needed partial shade. Anyone have any experience with these bad boys? Please lmk. I’ve been reading different care instructions…

PS I live in Southern California, specifically in Los Angeles where it’s pretty much warm all year.

Much appreciated,
🌳 🌳
There is no such thing as a Japanese Cherry Blossom tree. Japanese cherry trees are mostly cultivars of Prunus Serrulata and Prunus Speciosa There are 100 varieties all of the same species. There are common fungal issues with them as noted. Regular bonsai soil and accurate watering (moist soil, but not soggy) full sun -- afternoon open shade in summer. (outdoors)-- should work for any one of the varieties.
Thank you 🙏
Here is a close up of the flower. Hoping someone can identify it.
Mostly impossible to tell. Flowers are not whole and leaves are not full formed. You’d do better as I g the actual seller of the trees what is or where they got it
You owe Ryan Niel a $20 royalty
I actually did my arts and culture education before Ryan did. The arts speak was part of the reason I went into science.

ChatGPT can do a wonderful impression if you add to the prompt "Increase the word count by 400% and make it sound like a manager at a start up arts company said it. But don't mention the company or the word start up itself."
Update on the sub species;
It’s a chokecherry blossom tree 🌳
chokecherry... I'm not sure what the sellers problem is, but he definitely doesn't know what this tree is. This is not chokecherry. Any tree commonly called a chokecherry has an inflorescence of many small white flowers. Usually it's talking about Prunus virginiana.

Either way, it's a cool little beginner tree
chokecherry... I'm not sure what the sellers problem is, but he definitely doesn't know what this tree is. This is not chokecherry. Any tree commonly called a chokecherry has an inflorescence of many small white flowers. Usually it's talking about Prunus virginiana.

Either way, it's a cool little beginner tree
Yeah. Not a chokecherry. Those are North American natives and bloom in spikes as mentioned. It looks to be a kind of Prunus Serrulata but hard to tell which. Kansan, Yoshino are the most common varieties
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