James W 6yr JBP Contest entry

Very Nicely done!
Now for your sanity, suggestion.
Look for properties and select around 30.
Good Day
Very Nicely done!
Now for your sanity, suggestion.
Look for properties and select around 30.
Good Day
Thank you, Anthony.
Not just for sanity. I'm afraid if I do not reduce to a manageable number I will end up not being able to give any of them good care. Better to do a few well than a whole bunch poorly. Or in my case better to have a few alive than a whole bunch dead.
First culling (other than what occurred this summer) is planned at 1st re-potting, which I hope to accomplish next February - late winter for me.
Some observations:
With well draining mix it is almost impossible to over water or over fertilize. The first half of the year I tried to only water when needed. And failed. So I dumped too much slow release fertilizer into each pot and watered as close to every day as I could manage. If I had started out that way they all would be twice as big now. And with that kind of watering they could handle all the sun I could give them. On the other hand, starting slow may have induced some low branching.

The row of pots on the south side of each flat got too hot and died, no matter how much water they got. Some shading of the SOIL and POTS is required.

The pots I used are 24 pots to a flat and all connected. It would be better if the pots were separate so the plants can be manipulated individually.

I sowed directly into 2.5" Rootmaker pots. The roots have not completely filled the pots so the root pruning has not been accomplished per the pot's design. But the I think pots are too small to grow for another year. The trees might have filled the pots if I had grown them well. But when I repot next year I won't have to worry about untangling root too much.
For pots in the sun, I used some knock-off cheap white spray paint. Which seemed to work bringing the pot temperature down by half.
The paint is so cheap though, that now just before winter, it's breaking off from the pot. Perfectly on time for pots to collect solar heat again and elongate the growing season a little.
I know that's not going to help the died plants, but it might come in handy for the future.
For pots in the sun, I used some knock-off cheap white spray paint. Which seemed to work bringing the pot temperature down by half.
The paint is so cheap though, that now just before winter, it's breaking off from the pot. Perfectly on time for pots to collect solar heat again and elongate the growing season a little.
I know that's not going to help the died plants, but it might come in handy for the future.
I just didn't think about it soon enough. Like they say, hindsight is always 50-50.
We fight the heat and sun in the summer here. (100+F, 40+C) I always leave everything sitting on the ground and crowd them together to shade each other. White pots help some. I have wrapped pots in aluminum foil (ugly!). Or covered them with burlap. Burying them in mulch is good. Next year I am going to try to set some inside bigger pots with a layer of mulch between the pots. (Actually, I'm going to do that with some for the winter, too)
First root-over-rock.


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Since I don't plan on posting every single build here are the stones I have selected for ROR.
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Dude send me a stone. I will trade. Whatever. No stones in lower Alabama.
I don't mind sharing.
Most of these were collected in Missouri. I don't use the local limestone very much.
Six seedling fusion attempt. I am re-thinking the use of duct tape, I think I might want something a little more stretchy.
Appears to be no advantage to growing all six seedling in the same pot, plants and roots are much smaller and weaker than single plants and I had to comb out the roots anyway.
I really like this rock.

For fusion, the wrap to hold the trunks together should not stretch at all, it is the pressure of the trunks being forced together that speeds the fusion. Otherwise without pressure, bark will form between the trunks.

Excellent work, I like the stones.
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