Jade tree root rot

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Mesa Az
My jade tree branches started to droop down a few days ago. To me this is a sign of root rot. I removed it from the pot & some roots are bad. Any ideas on how to save this tree?52374EF7-E324-49E9-8E69-8F867187A198.jpeg0074F0AA-A420-4AB0-81EE-FA5D86C86D04.jpeg
Looks bad. Only choice I see is to root as many of the healthier looking cuttings as you can.
It may be too late, but you can clean off any suspect loose material, drench the whole thing in 5% household bleach for ~5 minutes or so, hosing it, and putting it in a plastic bag and leave it for 24 hours, then repotting. Then water it once a week if indoors.
It is an outdoor tree. How to root cuttings? I would like to have smaller trees so the cuttings may be the way to go.
It is an outdoor tree. How to root cuttings? I would like to have smaller trees so the cuttings may be the way to go.
Take a healthy cutting, strip the bottom leaves, allow to callus a couple days, put base in potting mix, water once and not again until you have new growth. Any size cutting will root, even down to a single leaf.
If you cut off all the rot and wait for the plant to callus (could be a long time for that size wound), would you be able to root the whole thing in one piece?

Edit: Sorry, just saw that you'd like to have smaller trees.
If you cut off all the rot and wait for the plant to callus (could be a long time for that size wound), would you be able to root the whole thing in one piece?

Edit: Sorry, just saw that you'd like to have smaller trees.
If it is healthy, yes. I think the rot might have traveled up the stem in which case no. Bare in mind that much of the tip growth is not healthy. It is probably experiencing drought at the top of the tree because the bottom cannot transport water any longer.
Thanks for the info, I have it hanging upside down now. I think I will cut the trunk & see how far the rot went. Will also take some cuttings.
I would replant it and not water it for a few months. Or chop off all the roots, and replant as a big cutting.
So I made a cut to see how bad the rot was, looks like only the roots, not the trunk. I hung it to dry for a few days & potted in 100% pumice. It wilted & many cuttings taken to save breaking branches. In shade & getting water 2x day, fingers crossed.3AC5A2DC-2018-4CF2-A389-9A42F3C5E820.jpegD5F30205-4695-434E-B74F-59B940E359BA.jpeg636A8BB5-7F64-4730-BD42-87B0E49555C1.jpeg
I would not water it at this point except for an initial watering. It has not roots and cannot take up water. When it starts to grow it will have formed roots.
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