Jade lovers delight

I just acquired this a few months ago from a lady who has had this jade for 35 years! Unfortunately the lady is at an age she can no longer take care of the jade. I am trying to figure out what I would like to do with her. I know I’ll take a couple cuttings because she’s so large but not sure what other steps I might take.


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I repotted my C. ovata in mainly akadama. It fared much better this winter than in the previous years.
I took it outside a couple of weeks ago (very mild weather here, even unusually hot : 29°C on Tuesday!), and pruned it :

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Perhaps I should have been bolder, and prune it back harder, but to be on the safe side, I decided to keep two leaves on each twig. It's been very hot here for the season, and I put it in full sun. If more light through the branches induces lower buds, I might prune it harder...
I like it, I would have pruned it back further but each to their own 🙂
Ok now I feel the need to bring out my boring ones 😅. The white spots are just lime from the faucet water.

Crassula Ovata

Crassula Ovata Gollum
Here are some massive Jade cuttings I am trying to root. My parents were doing some landscaping and they were set to tear out the 40+ year old jade I had grown up with. I decided to try and save it, but the roots were way under the cement, so cuttings were the only option:


I've rooted many jade cuttings, but nothing even close to this size, so no idea if this will work. Wish me luck!
I'm certain it will root, but it may lose a lot of leaves before it does.
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