Fallen behind? Hell, we never caught up....
Remember this contest? The material argument holds no water either, we have far better material, in fact, look at the best European entry in that contest, it is a Rocky Mountain Juniper (Juniperus scopulorum) kind makes us look a little silly....and especially makes the material argument pointless.
There are Americans that have plenty to offer Bonsai Focus, they just don't.
Sure it has to do with material in the sense that until more people start using our collected material and get away from the $25-100 trees we will always be last. The Europeans are kicking our butts because they work with mostly collected material and wan't isn't collected is imported from Japan. Until America gets on board with this, spends money to buy quality material we (as a whole) will never improve or advance. I have spoke to many of "Big names" in America, Japan, Europe about this and they all agree. Ofcourse, there are the exceptions to this, but in general the above is true. There are many killer collected trees in Europe,....phenominal trees.
Where I hit 65, I canceled my subscription to Playboy, I hadn't seen any new developments since silicone, air brushing, and maybe Photoshop.
Plastic Surgeons are somewhat like bonsai masters, they take good material and make it better. Certified, card carrying, paid up member in good standing in the "Dirty Old Men's Club" right Jason.
Jasons too young Harry. Now me .....well lets just say " god bless the American College of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery " and long live dirty old men !!!!
Now what were we talking about ???
You 2 guys make sure to save me a seat in the "Dirty Old Men Club", one day I will be there, heck probably even President! haha