Really good thread! Took my time with it. Second half has gotten a tad cluttered but hopefully we can get it back on track. I have a cpl trees I would consider literati. Literati/bunjin, along with sumo, have become some of my favorite styles! Nothing normal about any of them!
I just wanted to add that literati is a style, no height or age requirement. Does a
good literati need age?? Well of course it does, as does any
good bonsai tree of any style. Are there young bonsai trees?? Well of course, weather styled in to a cascader, straight as an arrow formal upright, or even a twisted bunjin/literati.
One can style a shohin tree into literati. Keeping things to scale obviously. Even thinner trunk, smaller canopy and 8in height... (Not hand held pot).
Here are a few trees I consider to be shohin literati. although I did not measure these trees, I believe there in the shohin realm