By the time roots growing in a high-organic top soil become rootbound they have used-up, or consumed the mineral and organic content that comprised the soil. That much growth of roots can not take place if the media is the typical bonsai mix high in "rocks". The elements or compounds that form the mineral content of typical top soils, which are essentially "fines", are only useful one molecule at a time, oxidized and used by the microorganisms that consume them and excrete compounds that are absorbed by roots and used by plants in the photosynthesis process to make food for plant growth. Only the exterior of the mineral particle is available to be oxidized and used, one molecule at a time. The interior of any mineral particle is not available. The reason why gardens are made up of top soil sized mineral particles is because of the surface area, -the useful surfaces available for oxidization is several orders of magnitude greater than a garden full of bonsai-mix-size-rocks. Also, bonsai mixes tend to use a singular mineral rock or at least rocks of only a few minerals verses typical top soils.
Traditional Japanese bonsai mixes are intended to stop or limit growth. High-organic top soil based mixes are intended to grow at a higher rate, or even a maximized rate. One chooses either end of the scale, or somewhere in-between to meet their own goals, having nothing to do with the passage of air through the mix. Very high growth can be had using a rock-only media just by providing liquids at rates similar to hydroponics. That requires much closer attention to replacing the moisture used/lost in a rock media that doesn't hold as much moisture as typical high-organic mixes. Also, the minerals that are oxidized in typical top soils, being more varied, are less likely to be deficient enough elements to inhibit growth. NPK requirements would not be much different between the two types of media except there is less leaching due to excess water passing through high-organic media because it holds more of the water applied.
Choose your growth rate, choose your poison.