Ilex vomitoria -- HELP!

Unfortunately not so common here. It was a new species for me, and I found it by chance at a nursery 3 hours away. Mine has lost its last old leaf, but still has buds swelling on a few green twigs. I haven't given up hope yet. I suppose I can hold on as long as the tree can.
I thought you were visiting somewhere in the southeast, and assumed you could visit a nursery there. I've brought store-bought plants with me pretty easily on trips.
I hope to visit my brother in JAX, but that's not for at least a year. If this one doesn't survive, I'll be plenty disappointed, but I have other species to take out my frustration on! 😆
Well, this one hurt. Death by ignorance and impatience. So much potential, and I killed it. But I came across a good deal (?) where a nursery had four left over from an order in 1 gallon pots for $6 apiece. This winter, I'll see how many I can divide them into, as there are multiple plants in each pot. Even if they don't become decent bonsai candidates, at least I can start a hedge and have an endless supply of cuttings and tea leaves.
Oh ma. I can dig up literally a ton of Ilex vomitoria if I want. I just don’t know what to do with that many.
Oh ma. I can dig up literally a ton of Ilex vomitoria if I want. I just don’t know what to do with that many.
They definitely don't like the desert, but I was ready to spend $30 on a single 3 gallon, and I got 4 pots with multiple plants for about $25 after tax, so I had to try. None of them have much potential yet. The one I lost was the best candidate I've had yet, of any species. But if I don't learn and grow from this, neither will my trees.
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