Ilex Crenata #1 - Progression Thread


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The Netherlands
Hello all,

Starting a progression thread for this Ilex Crenata yamadori.

It used to be part of a hedge. Took it out of the ground 2 years ago and made some big chops.
It was doing well throughout last year, but it took a big beating this winter. It was an extraordinarily wet winter here in NL and it was in a way too large pot with purely organic soil.
Exactly, a recipe for disaster.
During winter loads of leaves started turning brown and branches started to die back. I suspected it was root rotting.
On top of that, we had a cold snap in january which also caused frost damage.

Fast forward to early march, when I decided this was in dire need of a repot, my suspicions where confirmed when I found a lot of mushy roots.

Thankfully, these are terribly tough trees.
And now, a month later, it's starting to push new shoots all over the remaining branches and on the trunk as well.
I'll just let the tree run wild this year, so hopefully by the end of summer there will be many new shoots to select a new structure from.

I'll keep you posted on it's progress!

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