It's good for people to reflect on themselves and their upbringing.
But only a certain kind of person understands it that way, explained.
Me, I went to "rainbows" when I was like 4-5 to talk about not having a father....
I got to reflecting on myself at a very early age.
My entire life has been an exercise of "knowledge of self" because of this, and understanding religious contradictions.
Having had plenty of time and direction for finding myself, I've had plenty of time to mull over all the other politics, law, people, etc eternity!
The Sorceress on the other hand, never had time for self reflection.
Contrary, she was the second oldest of 2 boys and 2 girls and was the one caring for the whole family since 4-5 years old.
Always the one consoling the other children, feeding, bathing.....
This is why she is such a good caretaker, at home, and with the elderly at work.
We always talk about how, "her parents were wrong",like, rlly blatantly outwardly wrong.
She knows this, but doesn't have the tools to realize when she is doing the same thing, or other wrong.
I, on the other hand, can look at how I was raised and find the "good" things that are actually bad. Like religion.
Anyway, with enough alone time to reflect....
Everyone here has the capability/potential to better themselves and their community by listening and reflecting on what is typed here.
Wether or not those people have what it takes yet to benefit from it I do not know......YET, we all have untapped potential.
But when they do, it will be good for them, so removing politics and Religion talk is detrimental to our community (earth) as a whole.
I have a notion
@Quince has had a life of self reflection similar to mine, as he is the only one who truly displays this ability to see the bad in what is widely and generally accepted by society to be good.
Of course, he has displayed this in regards to BONSAI knowledge....
Which proves this is all interconnected.
So who ARE YOU?
I'd love to hear from people on both sides of this spectrum.
Question is, can a non-self reflector dig deep enough within themselves to define their own identity?
Do they have what it takes to say, yes, I am wrong?
If they do, they become stromger.