You give 8+ billion voracious consumers too much credit.I think the point may have been overlooked here. It wouldn't be about the number of trees, that would be inconsequential. It would be about the awareness and appreciation of nature that "doing" bonsai tends to give one. If that were the case, I think a larger portion of the population would be tuned onto issues like deforestation and invasive species.
This issue is way more complicated than "plant a tree" or "don't eat meat". There is a trade off for the global industrialization that makes our lives possible. For example, the way we feed 8+ billion people around the globe necessarily involves genetic tampering, transportation, fertilization, deforestation, fossil fuels etc. It's more of a catch-22 than anything else - we need to grow and destroy in order survive, but if we grow and destroy we will ultimately have issues with survival. I'll contemplate it over my drive to work over a burger.
And, btw, how good electric energy is for the environment is entirely dependent upon the ultimate source of this energy. If it's combustion of fuels, it's just as bad as gas powered cars. And many grids are mostly powered by coal and the like.