Neagari Gal
Well I did buy a tree from this nursery. Was looking for a low priced indoor tree. I am not familiar with this species of ficus. (Just learning my own ficus) But trust this seller. He refused to sell me a tree that he felt I could not get through winter until I had a better winter set up. (Needed to be dormant, but protected from my northern cold winters.)Hi everybody and thanks in advance for anybody who chips in.
I've recently taken the first steps getting into the hobby, brought some seeds to test different germination methods out and brought a tree. The tree has lost all leaves and is not identifiable at the moment so am moving to my friends garden where anything that is grown or added to the collection will go as I have no garden space.
As much as I can appreciate most trees will need to be outdoors for most if not all year I really still want one in my home. I know a few tropics can be grown indoors and I was wondering if anybody would recommend a certain type for indoors in the UK. Pictures of trees you may have indoors would be great if anybody can.
Any info you feel is relevant to me not on the stuff I mentioned please share.
Thanks again for evwrybodies help so far.
Needs thinned out...but the price doesn't break the bank.