Idea: Multi-Trunk Style for Birds Nest Spruce

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Charlottesville, VA

Post clean up:

This is my first BNS. The trunk and branching are dense and strong. Strong to the extent that even upon testing the pliability, I sense I’ll need raffia assisting the wire to set the initial structure I have in mind.

As the title suggests, and given the growth of this one, I envision a multi-trunk tree. However, one branch exits the trunk under the soil and apart from the trunktion (junction of trunks? 😅) is that a problem? Useful? Unnecessary? Subjectivity aside, would it ruin or compliment the overall aesthetic?

Potential design:

Does the growth pattern of BN Spruce allow for/accommodate a multi-trunk composition? Will there be too much close traffic and clutter in proximity in terms of growth and branching? Or, given the limited space, is heavy traffic common and typical of any multi-trunk style, and I’ll need to be more selective of removal to control the aesthetic?
View attachment 510557

Post clean up:
View attachment 510558

This is my first BNS. The trunk and branching are dense and strong. Strong to the extent that even upon testing the pliability, I sense I’ll need raffia assisting the wire to set the initial structure I have in mind.

As the title suggests, and given the growth of this one, I envision a multi-trunk tree. However, one branch exits the trunk under the soil and apart from the trunktion (junction of trunks? 😅) is that a problem? Useful? Unnecessary? Subjectivity aside, would it ruin or compliment the overall aesthetic?

Potential design:
View attachment 510561

Does the growth pattern of BN Spruce allow for/accommodate a multi-trunk composition? Will there be too much close traffic and clutter in proximity in terms of growth and branching? Or, given the limited space, is heavy traffic common and typical of any multi-trunk style, and I’ll need to be more selective of removal to control the aesthetic?
So how did it turn out.. I've been playing around with extremely dorf spruce for a while now and they seem pretty Resilient.
So how did it turn out.. I've been playing around with extremely dorf spruce for a while now and they seem pretty Resilient.
Maintaining multiple trunks but now will be windswept moving forward. Thus far:



All the fleshy soft growth seen is from earlier in Spring and has since hardened off, furthering secondary and tertiary growth.

Since it was repotted in early Spring and the soil is mostly organic with some pumice, I’m going to wait to repot or do anymore big prunes likely until Spring 2025 or the Fall of 2025.
And that high trunk likely to be removed next Fall to start slowing the tree down since I like the size overall.
So how did it turn out.. I've been playing around with extremely dorf spruce for a while now and they seem pretty Resilient.
Here are pics from today:


Eventually, this BNS will be planted atop a rock structure and be windswept over the edge. I will create shelves or steps (branches closer to viewer at bottom and moving away as they ascend up to apex) from the primary and secondary branches for depth.
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