Maybe offer to wash their car if the lottery tickets don't work, save the man-act as a last resort!!
In fact it's a French expression and it reads all the way around (if I may say it like that). It means that they did do much for me already that they were even willing to do a little bit more. But as you could see I took the high road and said 'Thanks but no thanks, just the trees will be fine'
Congrats. If you want them around next Labor Day weekend, I suggest potting in the smallest pots the roots will fit into, packed with pumice, placing them in AM sun and PM shade, and misting the foliage and trunks a few times a day.
Manipulating the branches and reducing the foliage this year will reduce their chances of survival down to around 0.
When I collect junipers, I usually wait 2 years to be sure they're stable before starting any work.
Actually something I don't understand: I read that the rule of thumb when you root prune a tree is to remove approx. as much foliage in order to keep the energy balanced. These were severely root pruned, isn't it a problem to keep the same amount of foliage than before? In particular for a tree like #3 for example that has a really dense foliage.