I have this ugly scar on JBP chop and wonder when

Mike Corazzi

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Lincoln, CA
I could best cut it out with my knob cutter.

It's from an old trunk chop about 3-4 years ago.

I think it would look better hollowed out and made into a whaddyacallit..."raccoon hole?"

Some of the stuff I read says to do chopping in Autumn and use cutpaste.
Some say do in spring, but I think sap could be too active.

What think?

It's ugly, ain't it?0910161514.jpg
While dead wood is not normally on JBP, it can be done but a shot of the whole tree is needed.
Hard to say when we can only see a small portion of the trunk...what's the whole tree look like??
It's a junker I am trying to make something of. EVERYTHING was wrong with it. It was a nursery replacement for one that died and about 25% as nice as the dead one. Maybe 10%
So I'm not looking for design comment but just asking if this is the time of year to snub some of that gluck out of the crusty callus.
It's a junker I am trying to make something of. EVERYTHING was wrong with it. It was a nursery replacement for one that died and about 25% as nice as the dead one. Maybe 10%
So I'm not looking for design comment but just asking if this is the time of year to snub some of that gluck out of the crusty callus.
You can work deadwood any time. Rework the callus in the spring.
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