Any ideas on how to 'repair' ugly horizontal scar on ficus?

Lower part of tree is a mess so would not hurt to turn tree to hide it/change front or second to idea of cutting off scarred top of tree;).
The whole tree is messy. It looked good when I bought it several years ago, but as I've learned a little since then I now know that there is a lot wrong with it. A bunch of very unnatural grafts, for instance. In a month or two it will get its first serious makeover. The scar is just one of the problems that I will be tackling.
Just wondering... could you do a thread graft through the scar?
Maybe would help cover up over time... but not sure if you want a branch in that location.
Just wondering... could you do a thread graft through the scar?
Maybe would help cover up over time... but not sure if you want a branch in that location.
It's not a great place for a branch, but someone else suggested an aerial root graft, which might work although it is very high on the tree. I have a bunch of options now, and a lot of work to do to lick this tree into some sort of shape. I'm looking forward to it!
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