This is more of an introduction as I need some assistance moving forward. I ended up in Washinshington after getting out of the army for medical reasons( I’m crazy). Lol. Anyway, while searching for a place to reside the fam and I would stop by the PNW bonsai museum almost daily as an escape from the stress. Bought a bonsai book. I’m sure you know how that goes. When we found a place, I started digging up all kinds of seedlings from the yard. Some I left in the ground to get larger and cut back randomly. JM’s, birches, doug firs and random trees I haven’t figured out yet. That was back in 2007 so I’ve had some for a long time, but they are not even close to bonsai status. They are more like decent starting material. Sort of. But if I haven’t killed them yet I must be something right. Maybe? I do random experiments with propagation and growing methods. I tried growing a corkscrew willow upside down. Went on my first yamadori mission this year. I’ve even got a tree growing in a trash can lid. I do it for the peace of mind, growing trees keeps my mind at ease. I’d like to take some of them to the next level if possible, so I’m going to start posting some of my stuff to get your opinions. I’m not really into the group setting of clubs and my wife is tired of listening to me talk about trees. Lol