Japanese Tradition - I guess that many years ago there were no such thing as commercial fertilizers that one could buy. Then after WWII resources were scarce.
Could it be that they have just stayed with the traditional fertilizers and were reluctant to break with the methods used by their teachers?
You fellows do get annoying sometimes. I'll be scrolling bnut looking for some info I can't find elsewhere and I'll stumble upon these great debates. It reminds me of American politics. Red team, blue team. " I see right thru the other sides bullshit, but my side is true and honorable to no fault"
So your argument is that Japanese bonsai masters are stupid ignorant poor stubborn fools, that by luck , grow amazing trees that are still unmatched by other nations.
That reminds me of these kids who seriously are convinced that socialism is practical.
Ugh why'd I start I just wanted to see what people said about adding dolomite lime to cakes as I remembered seeing it mentioned once here.
And to those who say "plants can't tell the difference at all what source their nutrients come from as long as they are there" I draw another analogy. Not long ago America knew for sure that the calorie label on the food was all that mattered when it came to nutrional science.
As long as you are convinced in ur skewed reality thst u know everythkng, and that your way is the only way; all is well right. But it takes a certain kind of person to join a discussion about managing fert cakes to say they never use them........so why would we care what you say about them, given you know nothing about them?
I know that I started using them 2 years ago and trees have greatly increases in all visual aspects.
Also everyone knows that inorganic ferts lead to unhealthy soil biology whereas all natural adds.
Seriously why'd I start