How to maintain JBP sacrifice branch?


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Sydney, Australia
I want to keep the sacrifice going on this tree for now, but I do not know if, what or when I should be removing candles or buds or anything else from the sacrifice for the best possible outcome. Aim is to continue to thickening the base while maintaining vigor below the eventual cut point.

Picture of tree. Pink arrow points to pink line where eventual top will be once the sacrifice is removed.


Picture showing the a closeup of the area where I eventually plan to have as the top.


Last picture shows the top of the sacrifice branch:


I'd also appreciate if someone can tell me how to refer to the parts growing around the base of the candles? Are they called buds or something else?

- In the second picture, just above the eventual top, do I need to remove anything or everything that is not needed around the sacrifice?
- In the picture of the top just above, do I need to remove everything except for a single candle?
- When or should I remove all of the needles around the base of the current top? I assume the candle(s) above will extend and I will have more needles above by mid summer.

My questions are based on seeing pines with a single tall sacrifice, I have no real idea of what I'm doing, just trying to copy what I see while I build an understanding. So my questions may be way off the mark.
You only want two buds on the sacrifice branch. One main one and one backup. Basically the tree sends out chemicals to stimulate bud growth, and if your sacrifice only has 2 buds (or candles) then the trees chemicals go to the part of the tree you will actually use and you will get more buds down low.
If it’s mine, I’d remove those lower shoots, and most of the needles along the dominant shoot along the sacrifice branch. Leave 12-15 pairs of needles around extending year’s candles. Then remove all but 2-3 of those candles at the very top. Repeat again in your fall.

If it’s mine, I’d remove those lower shoots, and most of the needles along the dominant shoot along the sacrifice branch. Leave 12-15 pairs of needles around extending year’s candles. Then remove all but 2-3 of those candles at the very top. Repeat again in your fall.

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Just a question on timing. In Sydney, we are essentially in Spring now (today is 84F). When should I do the work to remove the shoots?
on the lower you want to build ramification already. decandle per guides counting back from last frost. this is June/July in parts of America.

You can wait until then to remove the top ones as well as removal will send auxin and cause back budding. you want to be building the lower branches, while building the trunk. Also do Brian's advice.

A second flush of growth will occur as advantageous buds push. they harden and then you remove needles again in fall.
Just a question on timing. In Sydney, we are essentially in Spring now (today is 84F). When should I do the work to remove the shoots?
Since you are in Sydney check out David’s bonsaiworx YouTube channel. He lives down there and has tons of videos on developing JBP, junipers, maples, etc. I think he is also president of the local bonsai club and very active in the bonsai community of Australia.
decandle per guides counting back from last frost. this is June/July in parts of America.
That will be hard for Tim. Sydney hardly has frost except up in the hills away from the harbour. Mid December seems to be about right through most of Southern Australia.
Since you are in Sydney check out David’s bonsaiworx YouTube channel. He lives down there and has tons of videos on developing JBP, junipers, maples, etc. I think he is also president of the local bonsai club and very active in the bonsai community of Australia.
David is in Melbourne which is some 700km south of Sydney and Pres of Bonsai North West which is just one of the clubs in Melbourne. Conditions are not very different between Melb and Sydney.

I'd also appreciate if someone can tell me how to refer to the parts growing around the base of the candles? Are they called buds or something else?
The smaller buds around the base of the candles are the male pollen cones. They will mature later in spring then on warm days release clouds of pollen. Doesn't seem to cause any harm or decrease the growth rate. After releasing pollen they turn brown and gradually fall off.

@Brian Van Fleet has given good advice. No problem removing excess shoots any time.
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