Spuds Moyogi
Trees don't care about nebari. They grow as they can. Nebari is a human esthetic. Good nebari implies stability and naturalness in the surface roots. That observation, however, is drawn from and experience with nature in seeing roots.Stating this way has struck a chord in me actually. I went "over the hill" a couple years ago, and looking back on my life, this has become an issue for my psyche.
Maybe subconsciously that's why I started this discussion.
This also gets me thinking.
Where does nebari (aesthetics) end and roots (health/vigor) begin?
You can have healthy roots (and therefore a healthy tree) without pretty nebari, right? Can you have aesthetically pleasing nebari but the roots otherwise be awful?
I must now admit, that the nebari/root relationship, and horticulture as it applies to roots in general, is something I've neglected to dig into sufficiently.
and 60 is the new 50 and so on...