How much of this crape's tap-root can I cut-off now?

I thought you've collected trees before this.
I thought you've collected trees before this.

I'm practically autistic when it comes to telling if something like this is genuine or a just a joke/dig at me :P Yes I've collected a lot of trees for a beginner, I've been in this hobby under a year but I spent my summer collecting tons, although they were mostly bougies (collected some >1" wide, many close to 1', etc; Tons that're >2" thick, totaling at least 30-35)

I only learned about crapes recently though, was too-late in the season when I got going with them unfortunately so I've just got a small handful of them, I've only collected one large crape yamadori ('yardadori'! I remember your nomenclature thread ;) ) before this one though, but it had awesome roots, a super dense mat of fibrous feeders and minimal thick/lignified (are they 'lignified' when they're 'root branches' that have that thick coating and no feeders from them?), so have zero experience w/ collected crapes with taproots, and (IMO of course!) this guy has a ton of potential so really didn't want to just trust my gut and cut it w/o consulting others first :D
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