Hornbeam collected from NC

love that little guy. great find.
The smallest one from March 2023 collection is doing well. It's about 30" long so not even that small, haha. This might have been the onky one I collected that didnt have leaves.
I think it will make a great literati. The movement is subtle and best viewed low down from a different angle.
No plans to touch the growth or roots again this year.
Here are 3 others from the 2023 batch

This one is the least healthy. However, it kept its leaves

This one is ok. It will get chopped lower, or Ill clean up the top once the roots establish really well

Very vigorous lower growth, decent upper growth, and partial growth on the two low branches
The two Hornbeams from Jan 2022 are doing well though I lost a lot of the upper trunks.

I am trying to air layer the upper portion of the single trunk/multi-lower branches, then I will cut back around a lower branch

The twin trunk lost the upper portions so I chopped back the larger section. The growth is very vigorous this year

Here is the back side
Thanks! As you know, they are great starters for bonsai for that reason.
The couple I got last year are taking off this year too. They are great material for beginners and experts alike. I don’t know why I always hear that they are slow growers…that must be for people elsewhere. They are growing like weeds here. Maybe it has something to do with the name..Carpinus Caroliniana 🤔
Good stuff, although in some parts it looks like you put wire on without actually using the wire to create movement.
Have you been watching the free deciduous content from mirai, plenty of wiring going on, its good to get some insight to how the pros are doing it. Although I personally think Ryans styling of conifers is far more advanced than his deciduous styling/wiring work
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Good stuff, although in some parts it looks like you put wire on without actually using the wire to create movement.
Have you been watching the free deciduous content from mirai, plenty of wiring going on, its good to get some insight to how the pros are doing it. Although I personally think Ryans styling of conifers is far more advanced than his deciduous styling/wiring work
Hey, thanks. I know you love Hornbeam.
I plan on mostly using clip and grow but I wanted to add some movement if possible.
I used braces and got the big branch on the left to move left and the upper portion of this branch was wired to move right. However, I might be best without the top of this left branch in favor of the left lateral secondary branch. The lower part of the left branch is not gonna get any wiggle from what I can tell. I got some movement in the other branches but I feel like I'll be cutting most branches back a bit to build taper and ramification. Hopefully, I can cut the main leader next year and start building the apex.
I watch Bonsai U and a few others. I'll check out the video.
I repotted most of the 2022 and 2023 Hornbeams. Man, I really buried some nice bases. I did it on purpose at the time because I had very little roots. I probably wont bury that deep again though.

2022 Double Trunk
This thing has a massive nebari with nice fine root growth at the tips. It was do or die for this one as I cut off 95% of the roots and sawed the bottom flat. The upper portions of the trunks have died off but I hope to make some interest with carving in the future. This was repotted in an oil drain pan - thanks for the idea @19Mateo83

Options for future front.

2022 Single Trunk with Low Branches
Not really sure where this one is going. The base is not great. The trunk is not great. However, I find the low branches interesting. A friend suggested that I should cut off the low branches and go with traditional single trunk. I consider that a waste since I have options with low branches and I like the Oak Style like @BobbyLane and others have shown with this species.


big gaps below the center of the base will need some fine roots. Maybe Ill do root grafts

Branches reduced and potted into an oil drain pan

2023 Literati
I like the subtle movement. I used this glazed pot my wife bought for me off of Etsy

I asked Bjorn about it via photo submission and he suggested it was too tall and straight at the top so I cut it off. It looks way better at this size

2023 with really cool low branches
I think this tree has great potential. I love the low branches and fine branching on the main trunk. I like the trunk size and nebari so it went into a bonsai pot. It has a large root (on the left) that should probably be reduced more. I used my new wood carving tool and worked the top down in a V shape.

What is your modus at this point regarding root grafts? That’s a technique I could learn, myself.

Wonder if I could find yamadori hornbeam in GA?

Looking good!
What is your modus at this point regarding root grafts? That’s a technique I could learn, myself.

Wonder if I could find yamadori hornbeam in GA?

Looking good!
Yes, you have Hornbeam in GA. Check around low lying areas in hardwood forests. Hornbeam like it slightly wetter than Beech so if you find Beech you should go downgradient and find them.

I'll have to get some small seedlings by next year and I would drill holes through the base of the tree and thread the seedling through with roots on one side for my new nebari and the stem on the other side. Once fused I would cut off the stems.
Yes, you have Hornbeam in GA.
I am willing to bet with the big creek on my new property, there are some nearby. I have not identified everything, yet.

I'll have to get some small seedlings by next year and I would drill holes through the base of the tree and thread the seedling through with roots on one side for my new nebari and the stem on the other side. Once fused I would cut off the stem.
Thanks for expanding on this. I generally understood grafting, but have not heard of this method until now.
WG, you've got some pretty special hornbeams! I love the really thick one in the oil change pan.
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