Hope this Blueberry lives


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Houston, TX
Saw this at the nursery without a price tag. There was one last one next to it that's all leafed out and healthy. So I got this for half price; something like $22.78. Probly could have haggled a bit more but this was my first purchase there and didn't want to be difficult.

It's sprouting new leaves and flowering but is quite week compared to the other one.

Not much to look at but I just started this whole plant thing earlier this year. Label says it's "extremely hardy". I hope so :)

Oh, this is a Highbush x Pink Lemonade. The reddish pink berries against the vibrant green leaves should look nice.

Is it OK to leave the weeds alone for now? Or should I remove them?
Is it OK to leave the weeds alone for now? Or should I remove them?
It would be better to remove them because their roots compete with what you are trying to grow.

BTW, real moss has no roots and doesn't compete for nutrients and is often left on the soil as it help to reduce soil moisture loss directly to the air.
What did the trunk on the healthy one look like?
Pulling the weeds out now.

To be honest I couldn't even see the the trunk of the healthy one. The whole thing was covered with leaves. Should have taken a peek and snap a pic.

At first I thought it was affected by the cold since it didn't sell last year. But the label says hardy to -30.

Just watered it with some organic fert and left outside with the rest of the wannabe pre-bonsai.

Glad I saw it and given the opportunity to bring back to health. The trunk is not bad, but the surface roots are a bit of a mess.
I'm not familiar with blueberry barks but this one seems to exfoliate on the bottom part of branches. Maybe it's a reaction to a spray?
Maybe I'll go back to look at the other one if it's not sold.

Thanks Oso for the suggestion of pulling the weeds. I thought it looked kinda nice on the pot, but probly not so good for the bush. All gone and clean now!

The budding leaves looks nice though. And it's popping everywhere.
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