Holly goshiki care


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Mercersburg PA
Hi I acquired a Holly goshiki osmanthus bonsai and can't seam to be able to find any care information on it. I also can't find info on whether it's an evergreen or deciduous and how to care for and place for winter care in zone 6b. Any info will be appreciated thanks
Osmanthus is not a holly, though it does look like one. Goshiki is a lovely variegated form. I planted one several years ago and it has grown and performed very well in my zone 6 climate. In the ground it has required no additional winter protection. I did lose a gold leaf form that was in a pot last winter, but it was a new one on me.
Personally I would not care for it as a bonsai, but I love it as a botanical specimen.
Yeah it's called a false Holly. The online bonsai supplier I purchased it from called it a Holly and is selling it as a bonsai but has very general info on care. I would like to keep it as a bonsai if possible thanks for your info
I contacted the online bonsai supplier I got tree from they said they can't give me zone specific info but did give me scientific name osmanthus heterophyllus 'goshiki'
I contacted the online bonsai supplier I got tree from they said they can't give me zone specific info but did give me scientific name osmanthus heterophyllus 'goshiki'
Pretty sure it is classified as a zone 7 plant. I am actually in zone 6 but have had a string of zone 7 winters for awhile. I planted mine about 12 to 14 years ago. It had a difficult first winter but it now is doing great. It is about 4 feet wide and about 3 feet + tall.
Update, all the sellers and growers are now listing this as a zone 6 to 9 plant. I'm pretty sure it used to be classed zone 7.
Ok thank you so as a bonsai I'll keep it outside I'll just protect the roots and pot from freezing. I'll just have to figure out the best way to do this I'm new to outside year round bonsai except for a juniper I just place in shed by window all my other bonsai trees are tropical and subtropical so they come in for winter
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