Hmm…. This is absolutely not the most current thinking. That was before climate change has created freaky heat dome events.
After pruning the year before, I completely rootwash nursery azaleas and then repot these in 90/10 Kanuma/pumice in late Feb- early April depending on the weather and whether it is a northern satsuki (narrow leaves) or a southern one (round leaves). Do not mix media. Choose a proven azalea media and stick to until you get experience with the species.
If one thinks nursery stock is the way to go, and wants great nursery stock that is high quality and inexpensive.
Call Nuccios. They have specialized in single trunk nursery trees for over 75 years and have a selection like no other retailer.
Just a hint…. If one is starting out growing azaleas it pays to begin with stock that is already crafted to work with. Get some stock from
Riverbend gardens before trying to hack a nursery tree. Chinzan is an all time good goer. Another cultivar that I particularly like for cold areas is Momo no Haru. Bill V at international bonsai sells these.
There are other satsuki books out there too. I’ve found no one book is completely comprehensive. But they all have good value. I particularly like a combination of Alexander Kennedy Floral treasures of Japan and Janine Doste Satsuki azaleas for beginners. Look for these used if you are interested.
DSD sends