HELP! tree dying VERY quickly!

Good morning!
Sorry for the late update - I went out of town for almost a week and 1/2. My husband forgot to open the windows for the bonsai for most of the time :eek: It has also been bagless while I've been gone.
However it is still green in those areas I mentioned above!

1. I re-sprayed for spider mites on Monday
2. Today I checked the popsicle's dry on the end, so I was going to water the poor thing....I've been putting it in my sink and filling it up to just below the edge of the pot, letting it soak for art 7 min. The bonsai man van told me to do it this way - but now I'm questioning it. How should I go about watering it? and is tap water ok?
3. I took a picture this morning to show the amount of light it gets...the big window faces east and gets a ton of light in the morning. The little windows next to the bonsai are facing south - the one nearest to the bonsai gets direct light around 3 pm ish. This is the brightest room in my home :( Ryan do you think it's enough?

As far as climate goes - I know it's indoors...but my home is significantly drier (I'm in Utah). Just in visiting my parents in Texas, being inside it totally more humid than my home in Utah...because when I wake up in Utah I have super dry lips...and when I wake up in Texas, I'm just fine :) So it's def drier.


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That's definitely not enough light. IMO, this may be just too much for the tree. If it were mine, I'd do an emergency repot into some good draining soil. I'd look at the roots, because if you're watering it that much and it's not getting direct sunlight, plus it doesn't have any leaves, the roots are probably just about gone.

So if I had it in my care I'd do that, then get it somewhere humid and warm, probably under artificial lighting.
I agree, the placement is really bad, sorry. Right behind the wall.

I keep my figs indoor all year round 'cause I don't have place for them outside. They all are sitting on the window sills, Windows facing E, W and N too. Yes to the North, some of them have never been touched by sun rays. But they receive as much light as possible, although indoors. This is not How to... but they thrive.
Ah man - I feel like a murderer :( ok - well I don't have any windowsills in my home (well technically I do, but they're 1 inch wide).
What if I did the following?:
1. Installed a shelf above my kitchen sink along that brown cabinet and placed it there (this window faces's currently 9 am right now and that's the amount of sunlight it's getting). It would get a tiny bit of humidity since it's above the sink and more sunlight.
2. I repot it - um, how do I do this safely? Any youtube video recommendations? Also, what do I look for to see if the roots are dead?
3. I water it today since the popsicle stick is dry, but what is the best method for watering?


  • IMG_9021.JPG
    178.8 KB · Views: 17
That's definitely not enough light. IMO, this may be just too much for the tree. If it were mine, I'd do an emergency repot into some good draining soil. I'd look at the roots, because if you're watering it that much and it's not getting direct sunlight, plus it doesn't have any leaves, the roots are probably just about gone.

So if I had it in my care I'd do that, then get it somewhere humid and warm, probably under artificial lighting.
Ah man - I feel like a murderer :( ok - well I don't have any windowsills in my home (well technically I do, but they're 1 inch wide).
What if I did the following?:
1. Installed a shelf above my kitchen sink along that brown cabinet and placed it there (this window faces's currently 9 am right now and that's the amount of sunlight it's getting). It would get a tiny bit of humidity since it's above the sink and more sunlight.
2. I repot it - um, how do I do this safely? Any youtube video recommendations? Also, what do I look for to see if the roots are dead?
3. I water it today since the popsicle stick is dry, but what is the best method for watering?
That's very good idea to place it close to the window, a shelf or some stand will work.
I wouldn't repot it now... You know, when the tree is weakened seriously, it is contraproductive...
Now it's a lottery, don't worry we all have said goodbye to some trees.
Watering - watering can with nozzle, pressure sprayer, or sinking in water. I use sinking only in case of emergency. When watering, water slowly all the top of the soil and thoroughly till water starts running through the pot holes.
1. I watered it according to this:
2. Re-sprayed for spider mites with bonide (there was still webbing in the branches)
3. I decided against the cabinet area - it never receives direct light in that spot either.

I've got a question on lighting though - see different scenarios below

Next to the microwave receives direct sunlight from 8 am - 1 pm ish
On kitchen table receives direct sunlight from 2 pm - 5:30 pm ish

Lighting Scenario 1: keep on kitchen table (receives direct light 2 pm - sundown)
Lighting Scenario 2: keep next microwave (receives direct light 8 am - 1 pm ish)
Lighting Scenario 3: Keep next to microwave until 1 pm , then move to kitchen table until sundown
* if next to microwave a good spot, BUT bonsais aren't fond of being a microwave's neighbor, please do tell and I can relocate microwave*

p.s. Is it bad to place bonsai in direct sunlight right after watering? Will it "burn" it?
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also welcome to my digital home tour haha - I feel like ya'll are guests because you've seen so many areas of my very tiny house :p
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