Help!!! My Serissa is getting white stuff all over...!

Dan W.

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Don't worry, they're just flowers.

Here's a little progression of my not so impressive white flowering Serissa. I'm fully aware that this little guy doesn't have much going for it as far as truly great bonsai potential. But that's not why I keep him around.

I've been working this tree for a few years, and it's one of just a few tropical trees that I keep to sate some of my bonsai withdrawals during our 6 month winters. It's developed to the point where it really reminds me of many large cottonwood trees around here. Nothing spectacular, just fun. :)

The earliest pictures I could find are from May 2011.

Mid May 2011, with some rooted cuttings from the tree.

Later that May, featuring one of my more sophisticated styling techniques. ;)
(I'm guessing the paintbrush was for scale..?.. lol)

At the State fair in 2012. My show standards have changed drastically in just a couple of years!

Summer 2013

Winter, late 2013

And here's the white stuff.. Sorry for the poor picture, it's the only one I can find at the moment. The tree exploded with flowers after coming inside this fall. The flowers are really tiny and most attempts at pictures don't turn out well.

I really need to take a current picture of the whole tree. Promise to do so soon!

As I mentioned the tree isn't much, but I think it's come a long way and I figured I'd share the progression.
You've managed to keep a Serissa alive for over 3 years? I was lucky if I kept one alive for 3 days...
Well I have killed a couple. This one seems happy to stay alive though. :)

Besides, if anything happens to this one my wife will sentence me to the doghouse indefinitely. -- I suppose that's the main reason I've kept this tree around.. She's claimed it as hers.

She even claims that it looks good because she told me what to do with it! ;) I've been the only one who's ever touched the tree, and she gets mad when she finds out I've done any sort of trimming, because it will keep it from flowering... lol
Lol. SOB. I thought you were passed that stage!

Nice tree. She has done an excellent job. Like the lowes commercial. How to install a washer dryer with one finger!

You've managed to keep a Serissa alive for over 3 years? I was lucky if I kept one alive for 3 days...

Was just going to say the same thing.
Your horticultural skills are astounding. We'll better than mine if you kept it alive that ling. I know it's possible but after my first series I knew it was going to take more than I could give.
Very cool.
Looks amazing! Impressed as well you've kept it relatively happy for so long. :) your wife sounds like my husband when I prune my braided tropical hibiscus potted tree. He actually hugged it and talked to it after I pruned it hard do to it becoming leggy. They bloom at the end of the having it not above the top of the window trim is a must.
Lol. SOB. I thought you were passed that stage!

Nice tree. She has done an excellent job. Like the lowes commercial. How to install a washer dryer with one finger!


lol! I never really had one of these "help me" threads, so thought I might as well now. :rolleyes:

Close with the commercial! Though it might be a bit mild for reality. The guy is a Lowes rep, not her husband... I'm sure it would be a lot more animated if it were the husband! lol
Looks amazing! Impressed as well you've kept it relatively happy for so long. :) your wife sounds like my husband when I prune my braided tropical hibiscus potted tree. He actually hugged it and talked to it after I pruned it hard do to it becoming leggy. They bloom at the end of the having it not above the top of the window trim is a must.

Next time post a picture of your husband consoling the tree after you've massacred (trimmed) it. ;)
I was like whaaaa? Dan W with a help me thread!!!??? Pretty funny, and yes the little guy has come a long way. If you keep it going, in a few more years, you may have something quite a bit nicer.
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