Help me figure out what's wrong with my potted Giant Sequoia


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Hello, I have a Giant Sequoia that is about 3 years old that I have grown from a seedling.

I've noticed that over the last few months I have seen some browning in small areas and a bit on the tips and new buds. Also it is now putting out quite a few suckers.

Some context-
Soil: A few months ago I noticed that the soil would retain quite a bit of water and never really dry out. I repotted it into mostly gritty mix but left a small amount of the older more absorbent soil as kind of like a core around the roots to let it retain some water.
Water: I usually have to water it twice a week because within 3 days the mix is bone dry.
Environment: I live in the Chicago area and it does pretty well outside in the summer with a bit of shade. However in the winter it can get down to 10 - 20 below so I bring it inside and just keep it in a south facing window for the winter. I just read that maybe I shouldn't keep these in the house in the winter, but I am confused on how to overwinter in the Chicago area when it gets so cold.

The only thing I have tried so far is Daconil, two applications a week apart. Didn't seem to do anything.

Attaching pictures, thanks in advance for your advice!


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I agree with the diagnosis that it isn't a sequoia. Honestly it looks a little confused. I see buds that are swelling like it's full spring when it should be in hard dormancy.

Others might disagree, but I think not getting cold dormancy outdoors is part of the story here. Chicago is pretty intense cold for these trees.

They do like more water than and more water retention than a lot of other trees.
It js a Sequoia sempervirens- a coastal redwood, from a climate much milder than the giant sequoia, Metasequoia gigantea.
I have no clue how you should care for it in Chigago.
The giant sequoia might be a better fit for your cold winters...
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