That's not a bad idea... I'm sure I could thin it some now.
I wonder if it will make a difference with the potential for juvenile foliage later.
I should have started sooner! Didn't consider that.
Sorry to hear about your mother, I hope she's ok.
If you're not going to extend any leaders up top I would start there, and Fall is most excellent to wire.
Not all juniper are so juvi prone, but if it is, then slower approach is best.
I understand the recovering from this Aprils 2nd HBR, so I wouldn't want to go
full on reduction ya know. Just open it up some here n there to let light into a branch below.
Make mental notes of the branches that you'll wire out, keeping in mind Smokes idea
and gain more ideas as you go. Not a wholesale full on cut back like you'd do mid Summer
but chasing back, opening up. You've done no full on cut backs in this thread, so we don't
know if it's prone to juvenile or not. Did you ever decide if it's Pfizer or not?
No mom's not doing well at all. Don't know if she's going to make it out of the hospital or not.
They keep trying to kill her with so many preventible infections, the dr told me she's a tough one to kill.
Pneumonia, septic, MRSA, UTI's, staff in the blood, e-coli in her urine, septic again...
Broke hip 7/24, rapid response called to her room last Fri night, now COVID positive after 7 wks in.
Day after tomorrow 2 months in hospital bed without PT. She's 81. I had been visiting 5-6 days/wk
but now no visitors in QT, which is terrible for her dementia.