Imperial Masterpiece
You are studying more growth aspects than my little mind can grasp, so I'll say little about kanuma, et al. I also don't know anything about the genealogy of Azalea. I speak only to what happens when a plant that is hardy in USDA zones 8 to 5 is grown in 5, sometimes. If the plant needs the zone 8 length of growing season to complete all the phases of growth including maturing seeds and then next spring's flower buds, that amount of growing days (hours) may not be available in zone 5, so the last phase, maturing flower buds may not be completed. I am saying that the seed ripening takes priority and resources normally used for maturing flower buds are used for seed ripening at the expense of flower buds.What exactly are you saying? I saw your other post on shoots with seed pods sometimes not generating new shoots because they are weak. I agree that weak shoots sometimes don't grow new shoots. And having a seed pod to develop can make them relatively weaker. And that actually pruning that branch can reset this and lead to backbudding when otherwise the dormant buds are being kept dormant by the seed pod. And that once the seed pod is open/gone and the summer leaves are discarded because they are old, the branch is dead from weakness.
But that's a different debate, I think.
Obviously, for an azalea to flower in spring, it has to grow flower buds in the autumn before. But I don't get it when you say you need seed pods to mature for flower buds to mature. Many azaleas never have their flowers fertilized and never get seed pods. Hose in hose azaleas can never set seed pods. I don't have experience with azaleas that are grown too far north where the flower season is too short for them to grow properly and set flower buds. It does make sense though. The plant has to decide when to switch from spring leaves to summer leaves. And when to switch from growing summer leaves to growing a flower bud. And to decide when to go dormant. And not every shoot ends in autumn with a flower bud. And it has to decide when to spend sugars on new growth and when to save sugars as energy reserves. And how to balance new root growth with new leaf growth.
As for spring growth next year. Yes, those buds emerge from the base of the flower bud. But I don't think the absence of a flower bud means that there is no base, and that therefore they cannot emerge. In spring, the entire plant comes out of dormancy and it is trying to spend the energy reserves to push out new growth. If it can't do so from the preferred spot, it will push it out from somewhere else. Would under this theory of yours no or less spring growth happen from the buds that are just budding out? Obviously, those shoots won't develop flower buds this year.
If a flower bud is removed in spring, it could inhibit dormant buds in autumn. Removing it in spring will limit the water requirements and not block light for the leaves underneath it.
I am not happy with the amount of growth on this cutting right now. I think it would have done better if planted in full ground. I think it will be better if I plant it in the full ground right now. I think it would have done better if grown in peat with either kanuma or perlite to improve drainage. But it will stay in kanuma because I wan to know how well it does this way.
I could put it under growth lights and try to gain a competitive advantage that way. Kind of tempted to keep it inside under lights this winter. There's actually no rule against it. I am kind of curious how much of a difference that will give between this cutting, the one in the full soil, and all the other ones that would have stayed outside. But I think kanuma for a plant inside is a bad growth medium.
As for if dormant buds were always there to begin with and only start to appear when they stop being dormant, like these brand new buds. Does a shoot that grow generate a whole bunch of dormant buds and most of them stay dormant always? Or are these buds I have now created from nothing? I don't know, but I think the answer is out there.
I know that for evergreen azaleas specifically, there is some research out there on chemical pruning/decapitation of cuttings for the purpose of developing nicely branched plants. The Belgians figured out the right chemical and concentration to spray to kill only the apical tips of young plants/cuttings.
Further, I am questioning whether or not the foliage buds that follow flowering on flowering stems are matured in autumn or spring.