Graham Potter: What's happening with Him?

Vance Wood

Lord Mugo
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About three years ago I became interested in his videos. I have not see a new one in almost two years now. Has he stoped producing them or am I missing something?
According to his recent blog post he plans to do a vid on that tree, in a years time!

I know the bloke who recorded these recent demos by Potter around 3 or so months ago, they arent on his blog, dont think Mik will mind me sharing these as his youtube channel is public anyway.
Here G Potter does a three part demo on a portuguese Oak yamadori, really good stuff and worth watching!

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The beginning talk about quality Yamadori is worth the time alone. I'm struggling to see the end of the tunnel and his talk helped me keep perspective.
I've only had the time to watch the first video, and he's right on!
I've only had the time to watch the first video, and he's right on!

He talks at length about growing vs refining and the effects of putting something in small bonsai pots too soon. Especially with deciduous.
I've only had the time to watch the first video, and he's right on!

He talks at length about growing vs refining and the effects of putting something in small bonsai pots too soon. Especially with deciduous.

ive been of guilty of this and paid the price on occasion. in my case i only have a balcony and i do like to have everything looking somewhat decent, my balcony is an extension of my living room, so when i walk through my front door and look through the windows i want to enjoy the view:D

but i try to acquire material that just needs branch structure and ramification developing(not trunk girth) im of the belief that this structure can be developed in a pot albeit a little slower. but sometimes a tree thats been plucked from the wild that still has a lot of big roots, may not be ready for that massive down grade in pot yet(best done in stages) and thats where some of my casualties have arose from future i will pick my material more wisely.
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Vance I couldn't agree more. I have written comments on his man size mugo video several times to see if he would at least do an update.
Personally I owe the guy a huge debt, he opened a door for me that I have been pounding on for a long time.
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