I was working in a customers house and when I was done I spent a little time admiring their huge (had to be 20 feel wide 40 feet long and its roof continued off of the roof of their house which was 2 stories) sun room which was loaded with tropicals of all sorts and some that were 15+ feet high. Almost seemed like walking from the house into a jungle. Very awesome. Anyway we were talking about the trees and other plants and I had said I wish I could find a Ficus with a huge trunk like one that they had there. It had to have been 12 inches! As I was leaving the wife told me to meet them outside by the garage door. Here they showed me this tree. Said they kept this tree on their deck in the summer but are getting to old to carry it in and out with the seasons or when its to windy out and gave it to me
So now I have this BA (Big Ass) Ficus B. Obviously I wouldn't turn it down lol. It was at one time 2 smaller trees twisted together but they have been fused for so long they almost look like they are one tree. Sooo looks like I have some air layering to do!
So now I have this BA (Big Ass) Ficus B. Obviously I wouldn't turn it down lol. It was at one time 2 smaller trees twisted together but they have been fused for so long they almost look like they are one tree. Sooo looks like I have some air layering to do!