Got gambels?

This weekend on my weekly collection trip I came across some gambel oaks I liked. Both have around a 2" trunk and are fairly old (I'm guessing around 30+ years old from the rings) Ive got pretty good confidence they'll live but we shall see. So here they are.View attachment 98669View attachment 98670

Let me know what you think, thanks.

Any updates on this thread?
It's really looking good! I would try to get all the lower branches to bud closer to the trunk (as close as possible) so you can get some bend in the branches really close to the trunk. In the meantime, go read @grouper52s resource here:

I am thinking a really gnarly, spooky silhouette in a few years! Maybe get that top carved out so it can roll over? Looks good man!
It's really looking good! I would try to get all the lower branches to bud closer to the trunk (as close as possible) so you can get some bend in the branches really close to the trunk. In the meantime, go read @grouper52s resource here:

I am thinking a really gnarly, spooky silhouette in a few years! Maybe get that top carved out so it can roll over? Looks good man!
Thats the plan for when this ones buds start moving. There's a lot of buds along those branches, and those lowest are definitely thick enough.
I've been through that resource quite a few times, I sure miss him posting.
We also have very mich the same idea for this tree, a spooky winter silhouette. The leaves are far to big for anything else :p

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