God I .....HOPE.... I haven't screwed up the repotted oak.

Mike Corazzi

Reaction score
Lincoln, CA
Attentive to all the info about how oaks hate to have roots messed with during repot, I'm thinking now that it is staying too WET!
My observation only. It may be happy as a clam. But the chopstick/dipstick isn't making ....ME....... happy when I dip it.
It's very free draining. Med. akadama, lava and pumice. What the hell? Wired SOLIDLY into the new pot.

It did come out of this wide, shallow pot from the year just past.

oak bare.JPG

And........... when it came out the roots were quite spread out ....SOOOOOOO... in the new pot the roots (MINIMALLY fucked with) are mostly around the edge of the new pot.
Which leads me to maybe think that once they find the way into the middle of the mix, all might be well.

I of course ....think ......... of trying to remedy with a slip pot.
But.....them roots ain't gonna be happy.

It has just leafed out.


And I am HOPING that more leaves will use more water. But I get gun shy on any tree I really like. And of course, THOSE are the trees I worry about. Justifiably or not.

Where's my xanax?


Shall I post? Oh what the hell?
Chopstick...when you dip it!?! I always kept mine in so they are a constant wick measuring. Well not on trees/pots I'm familiar with weight and color of what's before me to water. But this new to me JBP...notice the Chopstick. It only comes out to see if it needs watered. It is stuck into the substrate that is the pots surface and into the pot. Left in 24/7 unless checking.
Chopstick...when you dip it!?! I always kept mine in so they are a constant wick measuring. Well not on trees/pots I'm familiar with weight and color of what's before me to water. But this new to me JBP...notice the Chopstick. It only comes out to see if it needs watered. It is stuck into the substrate that is the pots surface and into the pot. Left in 24/7 unless checking.
View attachment 364258

I'd say that's probably a good idea. Doesn't seem good to be constantly poking chopsticks into established roots. 😕
I'd say that's probably a good idea. Doesn't seem good to be constantly poking chopsticks into established roots. 😕
I treat it like a dipstick on a vehicle. Lift it to check moisture, then put it back into the same place. I've always done that. To properly wick one must allow it to stay in the location to judge moisture.
I treat it like a dipstick on a vehicle. Lift it to check moisture, then put it back into the same place. I've always done that. To properly wick one must allow it to stay in the location to judge moisture.

And what do you do if the stick doesn't dry off?

It's been several days and the stick pulls out WET. Not "discolored damp" but still WET?
The weather has been warming up, too.

This thing is driving me crazy. I.... SUSPECT.... the mix is wrong. But it's growing out with no signs of distress. Except for me. :oops:

I just know a slip pot or an attempt to install more lava non porous elements into the substrate would be a bad idea.

That flat pot from last year kinda gave me the chills how it drained.


I get ALL the trees running on all cylinders except ONE !!!! 🤬
Sounds like a more organic mix...thus the reason for the Chopstick. No need to stress. Here take a look at BVF'S resource on watering. It explains a lot and has photos.
Sounds like a more organic mix...thus the reason for the Chopstick. No need to stress. Here take a look at BVF'S resource on watering. It explains a lot and has photos.
Great visual. Will try to unstress. It just SEEMS wrong to skip watering for day/s.
Yes a valuable resource from Brian. I've shared it umpteenth times because it is so well done.

Asking on forum as others may wonder.
I hot-rodded this oak and installed .........DUAL STICKS !!! :)

One on either side.
Now ONE is staying wet and the other is dry.

NOW WHAT ????? 🤪
Asking on forum as others may wonder.
I hot-rodded this oak and installed .........DUAL STICKS !!! :)

One on either side.
Now ONE is staying wet and the other is dry.

NOW WHAT ????? 🤪
You've been in this forum since 2015. What do you think the answer should be? The tree remains healthy...there in is the clue.

I imagine the side the sun hits could run a little dryer. I can't see them as being overly drastic as one completely dry and one soggy wet. The other side would be somewhat dry but damp. 🤔 I've never had a stick go completely dry...ever.
You've been in this forum since 2015. What do you think the answer should be? The tree remains healthy...there in is the clue.

I imagine the side the sun hits could run a little dryer. I can't see them as being overly drastic as one completely dry and one soggy wet. The other side would be somewhat dry but damp. 🤔 I've never had a stick go completely dry...ever.

Great! I have the one tree with bipolar substrate. But, yes. One side is DRY and the other actually WET.

And that's with turning the tree.

I agree though that it seems impossible. I sure didn't use two different soils when I repotted.

Anomaly, discrepancy, peculiarity, freakish, ghosts!
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