Mike Corazzi
Attentive to all the info about how oaks hate to have roots messed with during repot, I'm thinking now that it is staying too WET!
My observation only. It may be happy as a clam. But the chopstick/dipstick isn't making ....ME....... happy when I dip it.
It's very free draining. Med. akadama, lava and pumice. What the hell? Wired SOLIDLY into the new pot.
It did come out of this wide, shallow pot from the year just past.

And........... when it came out the roots were quite spread out ....SOOOOOOO... in the new pot the roots (MINIMALLY fucked with) are mostly around the edge of the new pot.
Which leads me to maybe think that once they find the way into the middle of the mix, all might be well.
I of course ....think ......... of trying to remedy with a slip pot.
But.....them roots ain't gonna be happy.
It has just leafed out.

And I am HOPING that more leaves will use more water. But I get gun shy on any tree I really like. And of course, THOSE are the trees I worry about. Justifiably or not.
Where's my xanax?

Shall I post? Oh what the hell?
My observation only. It may be happy as a clam. But the chopstick/dipstick isn't making ....ME....... happy when I dip it.
It's very free draining. Med. akadama, lava and pumice. What the hell? Wired SOLIDLY into the new pot.
It did come out of this wide, shallow pot from the year just past.

And........... when it came out the roots were quite spread out ....SOOOOOOO... in the new pot the roots (MINIMALLY fucked with) are mostly around the edge of the new pot.
Which leads me to maybe think that once they find the way into the middle of the mix, all might be well.
I of course ....think ......... of trying to remedy with a slip pot.
But.....them roots ain't gonna be happy.
It has just leafed out.

And I am HOPING that more leaves will use more water. But I get gun shy on any tree I really like. And of course, THOSE are the trees I worry about. Justifiably or not.
Where's my xanax?

Shall I post? Oh what the hell?