glue for fertilizer cake / crumble


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I need to make some fertilizer cake or crumble but need it to hold together for 4 months, because of an upcoming fertilizer ban. What would be the least harmful additive, thinking wood glue or natural goo such as chia seed or psyllium husk. Ingredients for cake to be applied now are fertilizer or blood and bone meal. I have urea but don't think that can be used in a lasting cake?

I am actually growing mustard and amaranth for for the Nitrogen and evil Phosphate for use during the summer, you just can't use something with npk numbers on it.
I need to make some fertilizer cake or crumble but need it to hold together for 4 months, because of an upcoming fertilizer ban. What would be the least harmful additive, thinking wood glue or natural goo such as chia seed or psyllium husk. Ingredients for cake to be applied now are fertilizer or blood and bone meal. I have urea but don't think that can be used in a lasting cake?

I am actually growing mustard and amaranth for for the Nitrogen and evil Phosphate for use during the summer, you just can't use something with npk numbers on it.
I think I’ve read that molasses is used as a natural binder.
I've used flour in the cakes I make.
They hold up pretty well
Plus one for flour, heard of molasses not tried it.
Glue would completely defeat the purpose by preventing the goodness from leaching out
I used to make cakes but now just use tea bags to hold the powdered fertilizer 🤷‍♂️.
Hmm, I wonder would placing a teabag within allowed time would be considered same as any other application?
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