Getting Fundamentals Before I Begin Spending.


I am new as well. I dug up a book I had laying around (The Complete Practical Encyclopedia of Bonsai by Ken Norman) and have read it cover to cover. Learning the different bonsai styles might be a good place to start. It will help you when selecting trees, and to appreciate trees you see on this site! This site is a great resource. You can find the answer to most of your questions just by searching for it.

Good luck!
And he, too is British. :D Lots of good books from UK artists -- Peter Adams, Colin Lewis (originally), Tomlinson, Norman, David Prescott, etc. -- but you need to keep geographic differences in mind.

I am new as well. I dug up a book I had laying around (The Complete Practical Encyclopedia of Bonsai by Ken Norman) and have read it cover to cover. Learning the different bonsai styles might be a good place to start. It will help you when selecting trees, and to appreciate trees you see on this site! This site is a great resource. You can find the answer to most of your questions just by searching for it.

Good luck!
I will look into buy this as well.... Eventually as finances permit.:)
And he, too is British. :D Lots of good books from UK artists -- Peter Adams, Colin Lewis (originally), Tomlinson, Norman, David Prescott, etc. -- but you need to keep geographic differences in mind.
Very much understood :D.
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