Germinating Black Pine Seeds - Basic Question


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Fairhope AL
So I have recently noticed with the black pines that my seeds have germinated 100% better with some sort of humidity dome over the seeds. My question is when should I remove the dome / cover. Right now, they are just starting to push off their seed cases. It seems like they are going to be wanting fresh air and more water exchange soon.
I don't know if this will help [ Tropics ] but down here we germinate them in sun from 7 a,m until
1 p.m.
Hopefully the other zones will jump in.
Good Day

*Joined the 6 year J.B.Pine bit ?
So I have recently noticed with the black pines that my seeds have germinated 100% better with some sort of humidity dome over the seeds.

Could you show us some pictures of the domes?
Thanks in advance
So I have recently noticed with the black pines that my seeds have germinated 100% better with some sort of humidity dome over the seeds. My question is when should I remove the dome / cover. Right now, they are just starting to push off their seed cases. It seems like they are going to be wanting fresh air and more water exchange soon.
I have never used any sort of cover. Damping off would be my concern with too much humidity. i have had success with ensuring some air movement. I put a small computer fan nearby. Just keep the soil damp and not to wet. Let the surface dry out a bit between watering. I have a very small bonsai nursery with about 350 pines on the go in various stages from seeds.
Also would add caution concerning damping off as well as no wet substrate;). Likely remove cover ASAP after sprout and give good sunlight for sturdy growth.
What is your medium? I've used boon mix and 60% gravel / 40% peat with equal (75%) germination. In both cases topped with a thin layer of sand per Jonas' instructions. It's important to keep moist and well aerated; I think the sand topper helps with this until the taproot grows. I'm surprised the dome helps in your climate -- I wouldn't think it necessary unless your substrate isn't holding sufficient water.
I removed the covers last night. So we will see how they do today. We have low 70s forecasted for all week, 60s at night. Should see a lot of movement with everything this week.

I to have been worried about damping off with the covers. One reason for me asking the question. The seeds that I planted and left uncovered are finally starting to push, a little.
I use a cold frame not so much for the humidity, but for protection from cold and animals. Any time I grow anything from seed in my backyard, it seems to attract undue attention from birds and squirrels.
The squirrels and birds were hungry, so we planted trees that produce berries and
raised the branches to at least 14 / 16 in the air.
Squirrel just walked 1 foot away from me on the way to his food.
I am no threat. Same for the birds.

Steupser, the hummingbird, waits for me to water and then drinks the water off of
the leaves of the bonsai.
The bonsai have no food qualities.

Now moss ----- the Antshrieks use them for nests, so we leave porous building blocks with
moss growing large sheets on them.
They prefer big offerings ----:)

Have bamboo poles set for Dragonflies, mosquitoes are so tasty. Living on a dry
hill also keeps the little pests away. That and the electric / scent machine powered by
solar energy -------------- zap :cool: [ Flowtron and Octynol are the bosses ]

Tai Chi with Nature.
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