Fusing a ficus


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Fort Lauderdale, FL
So, I had five little whips of ficus that I had been growing on the side. Didn't do much to them at all, just water and fertilizer. Sometimes. Often times, because I had them stashed away, I'd forget about them, but they did soak up rainwater and some sun.

Yesterday, I finally got around to make the attempt to fuse the trunks. Picked up some amalgamating tape, took out a nursery pot and proceeded to wrap them.

I left a branch out there, and my pics suck, but here it is. Maybe I buried the trunks a little too deep?

*I really do need to enlist my wife in taking pictures, she's actually quite good. I've attached a couple of pics of our dogs that she took a couple of years ago.


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I can barely see the tape (or is most of it under the soil?), I would have wrapped it all the way to the top I think (and tryed to get some taper in it, chop trunks the higher you get, so start with all trunks and end up with 1 trunk in the top), and also maybe remove those stones from it unless you also want some stones fused in it. I'm no expert, so maybe wait untill next year, and/or wait for some better advice. Nice photo's of the dogs, I think the first one is the best picture.
From here...in the Dav4 seat...
I agree...
It looks like you should have taped it further up.

But....how much trunk IS under the soil?

Thing is....
It seems to have too much branching and previous chops to make a nice, tidy, regular fusing....

But you're in Florida!

I'd improvise....maybe tape those other 2 upward headed branches...
Throw a bunch of sphagnum around the rest.... Make it grow roots/fuse...

Grow like mad and sort it out later!

There's a lot of trunk below the surface, maybe too much. About 4" below the surface. Seriously, I'm not sure why I buried that much trunk, laziness I'm guessing, but I'm interested to see what happens.

I could've put more of the branches in, but I figured I'd give myself a lot to play with when the trunks finally fuse.

Oh, the stones were just some of the soil that I "splashed" in. I've since rinsed them all out.
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