Fungus or anything to worry about??

Rob, I'm not sure as I was alternating daconil and copper every week, it's not as bad as last yr...yet...but I recognized it and started treating earlier. I 'think' I have it under control. Two small branches 3 wks ago on a shimpaku, is totally green and healthy right now. Not another infection so far. Quite a diff. story from last yr. But my jbp is saddening due the the branches that died. 1" diam. branches. And to make it worse, my jrp is languishing too. So it seems I have it under control with the junis, but not so with my pines. Fingers crossed and one who believes you can't be aggressive enough with this disease.
O_o Glad I read this thread. I dont know if that fungus outbreak has been prevalent around here, but I think Ill take an ounce of preventive and get some of that antifungal stuff.

Thanks for the info. Hope your trees come out fine.
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