Foliage freezing on Juniper?

Mike Corazzi

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Lincoln, CA
Not sure of species, but this is a juniper I started after seeing a similar style on here last year.

I'm covering the soil against freeze but the foliage has me concerned.
The browning parts aren't dry and crispy, but they're brown.

Dead or dying? Don't know. Asking here.

Also do you think I should put the whole tree under cover for the rest of the winter.
The first freezy day left the soil kinda crunchy before I started covering the pot part with a pad.

No other days have made the soil hard.

The one pic is really poorly lighted but maybe you can see how there is a combo of brown AND green on same limb.

P1030833.JPG P1030832.JPG P1030835.JPG
Really hard to tell...these pictures are really bad. Could just be the foliage changing to their winter colors
Healthy junipers are very cold hardy and a few freezes won't hurt them at all. Most can easily handle sub zero F temps as landscape tree. Protect the roots when temps are falling into the low 20's. If you live in an are where the winter brings sustained cold for months on end, mulching the pot out of the sun and protecting from wind is the way to go.
Looks like just fine winter colour to me, here's an rmj of mine, fall colour and summer colour. The soil is frozen solid for about 6months every year here. image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg A bit of foliage today, not much above the snow nowadays. image.jpg
Shoot, that's about what mine looks like in decent pix.

Relieved a bit here, boss.
Junipers are very hardy, in my coldhouse the lows this month have been in the 22-32°f range and the soil is frozen solid most days, most of my junipers go either purple or bronze in winter I'd take pics but it's somewhat dark in my coldhouse.
And ice on the branches/leaves/needles actually acts as an insulator and keeps tmps from plummeting. This isn't a juniper, but a semi-evergreen tree:


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Dead or dying? Don't know. Asking here.

Here in the North East all of mine "usually" spend most of the Winter under/in snow, frozen a lot. They look like hell when you can see them but so far they have also greened right back up in Spring. We have not had the snow yet or freezing but enough cold nights that they are dormant. They look just as crappy and as long as they don't dry out completely I am certain they will be fine. Don't worry it...

Happy New Year!

Not sure of species, but this is a juniper I started after seeing a similar style on here last year.

I'm covering the soil against freeze but the foliage has me concerned.
The browning parts aren't dry and crispy, but they're brown.

Dead or dying? Don't know. Asking here.

Also do you think I should put the whole tree under cover for the rest of the winter.
The first freezy day left the soil kinda crunchy before I started covering the pot part with a pad.

No other days have made the soil hard.

The one pic is really poorly lighted but maybe you can see how there is a combo of brown AND green on same limb.
When did you do the work on this tree? It looks like it was recently pruned and wired. If heavy work was recently done that could be an issue if you haven't provided the tree enough time to recover.
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